WFH Organization 101
In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s more common for employees to work from home (WFH) part-time or even full-time. If you work for a company as a remote or hybrid employee, it's important to create a distinct home office space.
Here are some of our organizational tips to be the most productive you can be while working from home!
Create a work schedule.
Stick to your typical work schedule (whatever that may be) whether it’s 8-5 or 7-4.
2. Plan out your tasks.
Personally, I like to visualize my tasks for each day. Make sure you are prioritizing your tasks. This helps you stay focused and also get each of your daily goals reached so nothing falls through the cracks.
3. Limit distractions.
Turn off notifications. Use noise-canceling headphones. Listen to calming music. If you have kids, pets, or anyone else who could be coming in and out of your office space, you are going to want to limit those distractions, especially when you have a Zoom or Teams meeting with your coworkers and clients.
4. Keep a tidy desk.
Deep clean your space and organize your things outside of work hours and maintain your space’s tidiness as you work. This will help you stay organized and you won’t be stressed with the clutter.
5. Get started right away.
Don’t procrastinate your day! Get up. Make your bed. Get ready for the day. Brew your coffee. AND GET GOING!
6. Set aside breaks for yourself
Save yourself from burnout by taking breaks to stand up, stretch, move your body. This will help you to be more productive longer and not deplete your energy by working nonstop hours.
By setting aside a specific location for work, you ensure a healthy work/life balance and disregard distractions to maintain optimum productivity.
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